Pam’s testimonial


I have attended several of Pam’s yoga classes. I am impressed by her approach to yoga, combining a thorough top to toe workout with her choice of postures and the use of breath work to release stress and benefit one’s mental health. Pam gives clear instructions and accurately demonstrates postures enabling students with diverse experience of yoga to fully participate in class. An inclusive teacher that choreographs classes to truly enhance mind and body.


Deborah Collier



Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2024 3:36 Pm

Dear Manager


I wanted to give some very positive feedback on Pam who takes the Friday 6pm Pilates class. I’m not sure if feedback helps in any way but if there is ever an opportunity to offer Pam additional classes, some reward, or help show that she is appreciated I thought I’d drop a quick line.


Pam is an excellent instructor, knowledgeable who makes Pilates easily accessible.She’s always bright, energetic, encouraging of all abilities. Her sessions are a highlight of the week for me as the class provides an excellent workout, improving peoples’ understand of the exercises and  mixing effort with a relaxing experience. Pam makes newcomers instantly welcome and has an excellent rapport with regular attendees. She cares about the class and is always fully committed to ensuring we have an enjoyable session. 


I hope this can be conveyed to Pam in some way.


Many thanks.